Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Road to Cicerone Sample Course

    • Welcome to the Road to Cicerone® Sample Course

  • 2

    Sample from Brewing Ingredients and Process Course

    • Introduction

    • The Plant

    • The Source of Hop Flavor

    • Suggested Activities & Discussion

  • 3

    Sample from Keeping and Serving Beer Course

    • Introduction

    • Foam-On-Beer Detectors (FOB)

    • Suggested Activities & Discussion

  • 4

    Sample from American Beer Styles Course

    • Introduction

    • American IPA

    • Double IPA

  • 5

    Sample from Belgian Beer Styles Course

    • Introduction

    • Gueuze

    • Fruit Lambic

  • 6

    We hope you enjoyed this sample!

    • Want to learn more?